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TUE Committee Campaign

On July 6, 2021, DOER’s proposed RPS biomass amendments (H.3923) were delivered to the joint Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy (TUE) committee of the State Legislature for review. The TUE Committee is required by law to review proposed changes to the RPS within 30 days and may hold a public hearing. On July 14th, 2021, 86 groups sent a letter to the TUE Committee requesting that they hold a public hearing on the proposed rule changes. The TUE then held an oversight hearing on July 30th.

Despite the protest of many advocates and legislators, the DOER moved forward with its RPS biomass amendments. The TUE committee quickly responded by scheduling a September hearing on biomass legislation.



Please contact the TUE committee and urge them to support No Toxic Biomass' priority legislation, including S.2197/H.3333, which would remove woody biomass from the RPS and APS.

Take Action

TUE Committee Senate Leaders:


Senator Mike Barrett, Chair

Senator Marc Pacheco, Vice Chair

Senate Members:

Adam G. Hinds

Julian Cyr

Barry R. Finegold

Bruce E. Tarr (Ranking Minority)

© 2021 No Toxic Biomass

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